At the AAUW Redlands branch program, the topic will be "Architecture and Advocacy."

 Madelene Javier Dailey, an urban designer, will discuss "Architecture and Advocacy" at the American Association of University Women's Redlands branch conference on February 3.

According to a press release, Dailey is a first-generation American of Guatemalan descent who has experience in environmental policy compliance and mitigation, community vision planning, transportation planning, and FEMA response support. According to a press release, she is currently earning a master's degree in architecture at the University of Southern California, with a focus on sustainable design and fair urban planning.

"I saw many opportunities to reimagine planning and infrastructural systems that would better support communities being negatively impacted by these fields," Dailey stated in the news release. "I worked as a planning consultant for state and federal entities." "My study is mostly concerned with sustainable architectural design and urban planning."

On February 3, Dailey will speak for AAUW at 10 a.m. in the Casa Loma Room at the University of Redlands. The public is welcome, but reservations are needed by January 24. Reservations can be made by email at or by calling 909-362-4955. To receive a confirmation email, include your name, phone number, and email address.

When making a reservation, keep in mind that you can also attend the brunch that starts at 9 a.m. before the show. The brunch has a $25 food fee that must be paid in person.

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